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RCCD - 2020 Bond Measure

RCCD Board of Trustees is placing a college improvement bond measure on the March 3, 2020 ballot. If approved, a measure could generate $715 million in locally controlled funding to:

  • ​Maintain classrooms and student service centers by replacing leaky roofs, rusty plumbing and outdated and faulty electrical systems where needed

  • Improve access for students with disabilities at all campuses

  • Upgrade outdated classrooms, science labs and career training facilities to keep pace with current industry standards and allow for state-of-the-art courses in biology, chemistry and physical sciences

  • Expand and improve Veterans’ Centers at all campuses, which provide job training, placement, counseling and support services to military veterans and their families

  • Improve student safety and campus security systems including security lighting, cameras, emergency communications systems, smoke detectors and fire alarms

How much would the measure cost? The bond measure will provide $715 million in locally controlled funding for improvements to college facilities, and cost property owners approximately $20 per $100,000 of assessed (not market) value





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